April 6

HP DV7 Series BIOS and PCID

If you come across a corrupted BIOS or a bad flash of an HP DV4/5/6/7, you may see the error System Board (00A)

Usually you can fix it with the HP DMI Tools from HP (HPBQ138.exe) , but in some cases the PCID is not 25 chars but 17. This come with the error below…

The input PCID is invalid





The tools here are the old versions which allows to edit the DMI to 17 chars

HP DMI Tools

P.S. You will need a MS/Free/Mini-DOS bootable USB disk, and then copy the files

to the flash drive.


HP reference documentation

HP Consumer Notebook EEPROM utility





February 22

Grep a log file and send output to mail

This is a small script that looks for a string in a log file and then the string is found, sents by mail the output

-This example is for Smoothwall, in which i run Guardian Active response and i wanted to know who is blocked

-Place it in your rc.local, reboot and check your mailbox




EMAILSUBJECT="Guardian On Firewall "

##Select you log file
#tail -f /var/log/messages | while read LINE
tail -f /var/log/guardian/guardian.log | while read LINE
#Select the string
if [ `echo $LINE | grep -c "blocked"` -gt 0 ]
# if [ `echo $LINE | grep -c "eth"` -gt 0 ]

echo "Guardian actions:" > $MESSAGEBODY
#Insert some text before the output
# echo "Guardian done it again !" >> $MESSAGEBODY
#Here i use sendEmail from Smoothwall, you can use you own sendmail/mail commands
sendEmail -f -u "$EMAILSUBJECT" -t -s smtp.gmail.com:587 -xu [email protected] -xp password < $MESSAGEBODY
# fi

February 20

Fail2Ban and Zimbra

After following several guides i faced an issue with the mail reporting.

Since sendmail provided by zimbra doesn’t work with the same parameters like the default sendmail i modified the mail function of Fail2Ban.

– I have enabled only notifications for Webmail/Webadmin login attemps

For Red Hat /CentOS you will need EPEL Repo

rpm -Uvh http://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/6/x86_64/epel-release-6-8.noarch.rpm 

Continue reading

February 18

OpenVPN Site-to-Site

This is a small how-to for OpenWRTs running OpenVPN and connecting them by creating a site-to-site VPN tunnel.


-We assign 2 IPs, one for each tun0 interface on each router

-This guide assumes that you have already install openvpn packages on both devices

-In this guide A router has 192.168.10.x network and IP in tun0 interface, and router B has 192.168.22.x network with IP in tun0 interface.

-You will need  the file /etc/openvpn/static.key or generate a new one in one router and copy it to the other.

-Port 1195-1194 can be changed

-You can have multiple blocks of configuration in OpenVPN, one for Road Warriors  (see here) and the one documented here.

-Follow the guide here for installing Open VPN and configuring the interfaces tun0/tun1 etc


Router A

config 'openvpn' 'site-to-site'
        option 'enable' '1'
        option 'port' '1195'
        option 'proto' 'udp'
        option 'dev' 'tun'
        option 'secret' '/etc/openvpn/static.key'
        option 'ifconfig' '' #this device tun0 / remote device tun0
        option 'keepalive' '10 120'
        option 'comp_lzo' '1'
        option 'verb' '10'
        option 'float' '1'
        option 'local' ' 1195'
        option 'remote' 'remote.host.name 1194'

Add to  /etc/firewall.user

iptables -t nat -A prerouting_wan -p udp --dport 1195 -j ACCEPT
iptables -A input_wan -p udp --dport 1195 -j ACCEPT

iptables -I INPUT -i tun+ -j ACCEPT 
iptables -I FORWARD -i tun+ -j ACCEPT 
iptables -I OUTPUT -o tun+ -j ACCEPT 
iptables -I FORWARD -o tun+ -j ACCEPT


Add  a static route between the 2 LANs

route add -net  netmask gw

Router B


config 'openvpn' 'Site-to-site2'
	option 'enabled' '1'
	option 'dev' 'tun'
	option 'ifconfig' ''#this device tun0 / remote device tun0
	option 'secret' '/etc/openvpn/remote.key'
	option 'keepalive' '10 120'
        option 'comp_lzo' '1'
        option 'persist_key' '1'
        option 'persist_tun' '1'
        option 'verb' '3'

Add to /etc/firewall.user

iptables -t nat -A prerouting_wan -p udp --dport 1194 -j ACCEPT
iptables -A input_wan -p udp --dport 1194 -j ACCEPT

iptables -I INPUT -i tun+ -j ACCEPT 
iptables -I FORWARD -i tun+ -j ACCEPT 
iptables -I OUTPUT -o tun+ -j ACCEPT 
iptables -I FORWARD -o tun+ -j ACCEPT


Add a static route between the 2 LANs

route add -net   netmask gw